Welcome to The Thylacine Awareness Group of Australia

Neil Waters started The Thylacine Awareness Group of South Australia on the 22nd November 2014, 8 months after his 2nd Thylacine sighting in NE Tasmania.
The Thylacine Awareness Group of Australia was created when he teamed up with John Maguire back in South Australia.
Their aim was to make a visual record of their efforts, which has culminated with, "LIVING...the Thylacine dream", their full length feature documentary released at the "Nannup Tiger Festival" on National Threatened species day 2017.
Since then they have embarked on many an investigation both on the mainland and in Tassie and have now gone "digital" with the creation of TAGOA's new Vimeo channel, with regular new video content + Neil's blog updates of the ongoing search.
Neil is now embarking on a 2 year investigation in the field in NE Tasmania to try and get that irrefutable shot of a Tiger in the wild or fresh DNA evidence.
In September 2019, TAGOA became an Incorporated Association, which means that it is a not for profit organisation and is governed by it's own constitution.
Join Neil, John and the rest of the members of TAGOA and share your sighting with us and help us put the Thylacine back on the map, where it rightly deserves to be...