Mainland Researchers
The Dawn anderson/Kath Alcock file.
Two ladies from the South East of South Australia, both field naturalists, teamed up during the early 1960's to investigate all the sightings of unusual animals across the territory. All together they collected over 300 sightings between 1962 and 1974 and beyond. During the 1980's Peter Chaple from ARFRA managed to contact both ladies and get some of their story together for ARFRA's records. Kath and Dawn not only collected sightings but plaster casts of feet impressions, spoor, and hair samples of which they gave to Peter Aitken to examine at the SA Museum. The Sa Museum has no record or any of the samples that were given to the Museum as evidence of "The Animal" and they were often mocked by staff from the museum in the newspaper. Kath and Dawn's contribution to the fauna & flora records of SA at the time were an amazing contribution. This is just a sample of some of the information they collected.