Living.....the Thylacine Dream DVD

Living.....the Thylacine Dream DVD



Living the Thylacine Dream is a DVD produced by John Maguire and Neil Waters of Thylacine Awareness Group of Australia (TAGOA). Running Time is approximately 80 minutes.

Follow Neil Waters in his quest to prove the continued existence of the Thylacine. Join in his Journey as he investigates compelling photographic and video evidence accompanied by first hand accounts of Thylacine sightings throughout Australia.

A great Gift idea! (For a limited Time. Snuggle up with A Special DVD Price and a Free Thylacine Awareness Group of Australia Bumper Sticker)

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There are limited numbers of NTSC format DVD available. 

PAL - Australia, Europe, Thailand, Russia, Singapore, China

NTSC - USA, Canada, Japan, S. Korea, Mexico

Artwork by art by woz